Placenta encapsulation


Hi ladies I am currently 7mo pregnant with my second child. With my first baby I had an all natural birth and my experience was beautiful and great it was an 18 hour labor with only 3 hour being intense and pushed for 30 min. Had a beautiful healthy baby girl. My baby latch right away and got her first feeding. 3 days after I got very sick high fevers and I was in bed couldn't get up it was horrible. After this my milk supply dried out overnight I was devastated I continued to be sick for a few days and after a dr visit and a vaginal ultrasound I was told I had still had placenta particles in my uterus and this caused me being sick and my milk supply drying out. This time around for my second baby to come in February I've been doing research trying to avoid what happened last time and looking at all my possible options to increase my milk supply I came across placenta encapsulation and of course like everything else it has possible cons but seems to have way more positives. My question is has anyone out there done this before and how has it affected or benefit you and baby? Thanks ladies