Performance problems...anyone else?

Does anyone else’s SO have performance issues around O day? We’ve been TTC about 4 months now with no luck. In the past, I’ve used OPKs and told my husband straight away when they were positive so that he would know we needed to BD. However, he seems to have a hard time getting/staying hard during those times. He’s openly admitted to me that he has anxiety over not being able to do what he’s supposed to during “that time.” He’s eventually able to get hard on my fertile days so that we can have sex, but could this be affecting his sperm quality and/or quality? I just feel like on the important days each month, our sex isn’t quite as good and he releases slightly less semen than usual. This month I’m not planning on telling him when I get a positive OPK so that he can relax. Has anyone else’s husband had this issue?