I am deep in the abyss of the TWW- 7 dpo, 7 to go!

TTC #2 due 3/29

Does anyone else start researching every tip for TTC during the tww?

It's almost like I try to avoid thinking about the possibility of being pregnant and I am already gearing up for the next cycle ready to change up the game plan!

Just wondering if it's just me?!?

Still addicted to poas!

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Same here! 7dpo and 7 days til AF. The wait is killing me!!


TTC #2 due 3/29 • Aug 14, 2015
same to you!!!


Kim • Aug 14, 2015
I took one this morning too! I couldn't help myself lol. Mine was a bfn- hoping it's just way too early. Sending baby dust your way!!


TTC #2 due 3/29 • Aug 14, 2015
Took a test this morning bfn, but there was the tiniest hint of something. wouldn't even show in a picture! I feel desperate trying to search for the line, lol!! I now understand all the posts on here, "is there a line?" your mind plays tricks on you!!!