Bed Rest?!


Long Story Short: I work at a tanning salon and my boss has a 3 year old but she quit working at 7 weeks pregnant so she doesn’t know how it is to work while pregnant. I was told i don’t get special privileges , so i’m not allowed to sit down or if i’m in the bathroom throwing up for too long she wrote me up (this is even after corporate and me had a fight about the situation). Corporate agreed and said i don’t get special privileges and that i’m not “handicapped” to actually do my job and get over it, were the words used. I’m also due during busy season (december/january) and was told “next time plan ur pregnancy better so you don’t take off during the busy season” i have been on anxiety medicine before i conceived but it’s not working, i wake up and go to sleep crying and shaking and throwing up and having anxiety attacks knowing i have to deal with this at work. now fast forward to me being 20w. the boss leaves and i get a new boss, AMAZING women. well fast forward again to 31w (now) and the old b*tch boss is back, and she’s 12 weeks pregnant! She gets to sit down, be on her phone, throw up, rest, and yells at me if i don’t clean the room in time. i have braxton hicks already and my anxiety is back through the roof where i’m having attacks and crying and throwing up from stress. So i guess my question is, do you know my doctor could write me out of work ? I’ve already asked to transfer to a different salon and was told “no , grow up, or don’t get pregnant” by corporate.. not sure what to do anymore ... but i know the stress isn’t good for me or the baby...