pubic hair!!! HELP


Does anyone else feel like they have a ton of pubic hair? I have such coarse thick hair (TMI) and it grows back SO fast and is so itchy ... and annoying i hate it. Does anyone know ways to deal with this? Aside from spending an arm and leg on waxing? Anyways to get rid of this hair permanently? Plus, I just don't like the look or feel of it during sex ... or when I get intimate. I know that sounds weird but I've just never been a fan of having hair down there. i'm sorry don't hate me!! Thanks for all your help!!

(Disclaimer: I am not removing my hair bc I think it looks ugly, for a man, bc I think it's gross etc. I am doing it bc I want to and I've never been a fan of hair down there. I know it's natural, but my hair makes me so uncomfortable. I totally respect women who choose to keep their hair, groomed, long, short, in a shape, whatever floats your boat! 🤗)