Pregnant Runner / Postpartum


I posted on here at 20 weeks when I was still running, and I’m so happy to say I was running up until the day I delivered!

I ran 5 miles 5 days/week probably until about 24 weeks, then things started slowing down. It gets absurdly hot where I live so I started doing the treadmill for 50 minutes/5 days a week and that was averaging a little over 4 miles/run.

By week 36 I was walking about 2 miles 5 days a week and running on the treadmill 15 minutes.

On day 38.4 I walked 2 miles and ran for 18 minutes. I went into labor a few hours later and 15 hours after that delivered a healthy baby girl!

Here I am at 20 weeks pregnant:

This is me at 32 weeks:

And here I am today at 19 days postpartum, 10lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight: (Please excuse the unmade bed, I was just up from a much needed nap 😂)

My tummy is soft and gooey, and my legs are losing muscle fast. I’m walking everyday now and plan to attempt some running this week as long as I still feel good. I do have some ab separation, but I will work on that later.

I only dealt with unsolicited running advice once, at around 35/36 weeks. I was told it was not good for the baby to bounce so much 🙄

Good luck all you mamas working on your fitness! I think all that exercise definitely helped keep my stamina up for labor, and the strength I had helped me through labor and pushing. Now I just need to double down on kegels 😂