I have another question

This is an update but I'm kinda scared... So a few days ago i did another poll asking if i should wait for this guy to ask me out or what not. So i told my friend about my crush because she was sus about it. When she found out she desided to hint hard that i liked my crush. Like she was talking to me and was just like "just ask him". "Quit being scared and ask him". "If you don't tell him i will" and stuff like that. I don't want him knowing yet. I wanna tell him but i don't want to make it awkward. I also wanna tell her off. I need help. Btw this has nothing to do with this but in history, there is alot of girls selling there bodies and every time it is brought up in a video or something he looks at me. And I got to play with his hair he didn't want anyone touching his hair except me. So that's were we stand. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

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