Severe cramping 34 weeks? I need some insight


Hey guys, so I called my office yesterday, and I was hoping for a little insight from you guys. I have very bad anxiety of overreacting to things that I shouldn’t be, so I have a hard time telling if something should be a concern cause I don’t want to come off as overreacting. Anyways, the last 4-5 days I have had intense lower cramping like where I can’t move cause it hurts so bad, and lower back pain comes and goes (don’t know if that is associated with the pregnancy or with work) I have also occasionally had sharp stabbing knife like pains in my vagina. No leaking, and no blood, I have been loosing parts of my mucus plug all week though with an increase in discharge, but I know it’s not my water. My dr office said that the stabbing pain sounds normal, and with the cramping if it’s not timeable they aren’t too concerned. They said they could squeeze me in today to have a “peace of mind” and check to see if I’m dilating at all. But is that even worth it? I have an appointment next Wednesday as it is, but because she said “I can get a peace of mind” I feel like I’m just overreacting and bad cramping that’s untimable (I don’t even know what pain I’m suppose to time) and can get so bad that it makes me puke is just another part of the luxury of being pregnant. What’s your insight ladies?