Quinn came early!
Meet Quinn Elise Boston born at 37+3.
August 12, 2015 - 6lb 10oz 19 in. Our family is in love! Big sis is captivated!
I am still a little in shock from the birth. Tuesday at midnight started having contractions 3-9minutes apart for 2 hours. Went to hospital, they had me walk around and I progressed to a 4. They started antibiotics because I am GBS positive. In the morning contractions were slowing. Doc started pit at 10AM. She came at 12:30, I was 5CM and she broke my water. The rest was very painful and I kind of checked out. I moved from a 5 to 10 in 40 minutes. I labored on the toilet for quite a while and moved to the birthing ball. Within about 20 minutes I was begging for an epidural and screaming pretty loudly. The nurses said it was too late because I was crowning. I had to hold her in even though I felt the need to push while they searched for a doc. My doc finally made it in, I sort of came in and out between pushes but she was out within 10 minutes! Doc did an amazing perineal massage on me during pushing and I only 1 minor tear. Quinn was born after only 4 hours of active labor. It hurt so bad and I am
Pretty sure my screams traumatized the other laboring moms haha but it was soooo worth it. We are home and resting now.
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