I got my period twice so far this month


Okay, so I got off the depo shot to see if it would help my mood, and it has. I finally got my period again at the beginning of this month. Well, hardly a week later, and I started my period again yesterday (the 13th) with some hellacious cramps. They might as well be contractions. 🤦🏼‍♀️

There has been a lot of stress going on. November 6th I lost my granny. Her service was November 9th. The following day, this old man ran into my car on the side my son was sitting on. My son is sick. I mean, it’s been a rough month so far. The only good thing this month is that on the 16th, it’ll be mine and my fiancé’s 4 year anniversary (of dating).

Has this happened to anyone else? Like, I’m not sure if it’s because of stress or if it’s because of the depo shot. I’m a little worried.