Quinn Renee Born 11/9


Quinn’s due date was 11/16 I had been having high blood pressure out of know where. So at my 38+4 day appointment my dr told me to go to the hospital for induction. We got to the Hospital at 11am on 11/6 and started the pill for induction. I was only at 1cm dilated and super “thick”. The pill induction and String induction wasn’t working as well as we hoped so it was on to Pitocin on Wednesday at 4pm. Well that did the trick and I started having active labor contractions and I dilated to a 4 and I was 50% effaced. I labored and walked not wanting to get the epidural until I needed to. My water broke on it’s own on Midnight going into Thursday I was still in active later and finally asked for an epidural so I could get some rest. Labor was very long and hard but C Section was never the answer unless medically necessary.Finally Quinn was born after 1 hour of pushing and the doctor having to put her whole hand up me to help get the placenta out. Giving me 3 pills rectally to help stop all the bleeding I was having. I had 1st degree tearing but at 12:34 am on Friday 11/9 she was 7.1 lbs and 19” long she came into the world absolutely perfect! She ended up having jaundice and so we stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. Yesterday I ended up going back to the hospital due to clotting and bleeding really bad. I went and waited in the waiting room for 3 1/2 hours, finally got brought back. I got 2 pelvic exams an ultrasound, blood tests and a urine test. I haVe something stuck in my cervix. They couldn't get it so they used this medicine that put me in labor and it still hasn't passed so I have to take these labor meds again and wait for it to pass. I was there for 12 hours and no one would give me a pump and I was severely engorged and I've been leaking since like 5 am so now I'm on antibiotics because of how engorged I am. I was so upset I had to leave Quinn at home cuz I didn't want her to catch anything. I have a follow up with my ob tomorrow to see if whatever’s in there has came out. It could be a stuck clot or part of my placenta. Today Quinn has her first appointment and she is almost back to her birth weight and her jaundice is going away and she nurses like a champ. As for me I feel like I got hit by a truck from the waist down but it’s all worth it for my little girl. My husband has been amazing and strong through this all he’s really stepped up.