Wow. I never felt the need to comment before but tonight has really shocked me.

There are so many judgmental people on this app. Some women will be begging for help or guidance through a tough time and some of the women on here will just judge so harshly. They'll bypass the whole point of a post and focus of the negative and rip the person who posted a thread apart. I try my hardest not to judge others because their life is their life. Their decision affects them and ultimately has absolutely nothing to do with me. Everyone has made mistakes especially ones they are not proud of. So who am I or anyone else to attack another person based on what they are going through or have gone through? It's one thing to state an option but another thing to purposely talk down to someone and tear them down. "Don't judge others simply because they sin different than you". We should be supporting the many different paths and decisions people have made throughout their life, not putting them down about it.