Nowhere near..


Ladies I’m just really sad. My due date was 11/11, it’s now 11/14, but I’ve been off work since 11/3. I had an appointment with my OB today and he did an exam.. I’m only 1.5cm and 20-30% effaced. I have a posterior cervix, so the entire thing needs to move forward in order for labor to start. Birth is nowhere in sight!! We have induction scheduled but of course that’s not how I want this to happen. I’ve tried so many “home remedies” or whatever but they don’t really work. Contractions do not equal labor. I cried in my car for 20-30 mins after my appointment today, I was REALLY hoping I’d be like 5cm dilated at least. I just want my baby boy in my arms, the longer he takes the less time off work I have with him. 😭😭😭