Stomach bug or morning sickness?


I’m 17 weeks and for the last few days I felt like my morning sickness was coming back.. I just felt more nauseous than normal.. this morning I wake up, I felt pretty normal besides slight nausea (which has been the norm for me) and made myself some eggs for breakfast. I ate them kind of quick and then needed to gag about 10 minutes later. Nothing came up when I gagged... I went to lay in my bed and I felt like I needed to go #2 so I did, it wasn’t great but I have a history of IBS. I haven’t had to gag or throw up again in about an hour and I have no fever. Is this morning sickness or do you think I caught a stomach bug? Also, what are some tips for preventing dehydration in case I do have a bug? I’m just worried my baby will suffer if I have a stomach bug.