11 weeks and worried

I had spotting a week ago. I went to the doctor they did a ultrasound,  checked my cervix and said everything was fine. The doc said it was probably just spotting from sex. Well last night I started having bleeding again. It wasn't a lot  but def more than last time and it was red this time (last time it was just pink). So I called the doctor and she said not to worry and for me to take it easy. She said if it increases or I start cramping go to the E.R. She didn't even schedule me a appt to come in next week to make sure everything is ok. I think even if the bleeding stops that u should always get checked. So I don't know if I'm worried for no reason Bc my doctor and husband do not seem to b cconcerned. I found the babies heartbeat with  my Doppler. So all is good there. But is there a such thing as normal bleeding. I never had bleeding before with my last pregnancy. So I'm worried. Anyone else having bleeding like this?