I’m falling hard for someone and I need advice

She says she likes me but she needs to feel things out. She’s talking to more than one person right now and I can’t help but get jealous even though she’s not my girlfriend. I know it’s not fair to her to get jealous so I haven’t said anything, we’re best friends and have said I love you. We’ve been cuddling and flirting non stop and I can’t help but want to kiss her, she’s so beautiful and just amazing in every way possible. I’m happy around her, she’s happy around me, I feel safe around her and she makes me feel special. I just want to date her already but I will be there for her through everything, even if she dates someone else even though it’ll hard. She knows that too. I’ve told her things I haven’t told anyone, we tell each other everything and I love her so much. I’m falling hard and I don’t know what to do I’ve never felt this way before. (I’m 16)