Patch side effects management??

So I’m on the third patch for the month. I’ve had a number of side effects including a headache thats lasted for two days, a bad mood swing when I changed to my second patch, and itching where the patch is. Now I’ve been having sore breasts for three days now too.

So I just have a few questions: if I get head headaches or am generally just in pain from this, could I take a painkiller like Advil? I’ve heard certain medications affect the bc’s ability to work right so I just want to be sure (and not feel like im dying?)

How long do the side effects last? I’m only on my first month atm

How can I make my breasts stop feeling so tender all the time?

Also...if for some weird reason I get pregnant from this, how am I going to know? I’ve heard you don’t get periods from this sometimes, but it isn’t because you’re pregnant.