Hate my mother in law.


I hate her guts. We used to be the best of friends until I realized what a back stabbing bitch she was. Recently I had posted that my husband quit his job leaving us with no money to pay the bills. After he just took a two week vacation. We moved into this expensive apartment because we could afford it. We have two kids under the age of two and another on the way. Well we had no food or money for anything. My parents and best friend helped us out. I was so angry because he was so chill about it. Now we had only been in our new place for a week. He had me quit my job two weeks before because he constantly had overtime and we had just moved and I was looking for a new job as well as daycare if we could afford it. But daycare is super expensive here and we were not finding anything. Well I finally wrote him a letter on how disappointed I was with him since I couldn’t say it in person. He is vey interruptive and it would’ve turned into a screaming match. Well he was upset with me because I told him I hated him for what he did. Not having a back up job and no savings. I showed my mother the note I wrote and she said she didn’t want to get involved in our relationship because it wasn’t her place to. But she would listen because that’s what moms are for. He went to his mom and that bitch told him that I didn’t take my marriage vows seriously. I’m like how would you know. You’ve never been married to you marriage is just a piece of paper. Then she goes to tell him he should run away with they kids because he was mad I told his behavior was unacceptable and they didn’t like that. So I found this fb post about how if you aren’t married you shouldn’t be giving certain advice to other married couples. Well she comments on my page and starts this huge fight. And then when my friends jumped in and said they agreed with me she got mad and said we were segregating unmarried people which was bs. I said no where in any of of conversation did I ever say that. You’re mad I won’t take marriage advice from someone who says I don’t take my vows seriously because I will not condone the behavior of my husband and I communicated that to him. I could’ve divorced him on the spot but I actually believe in my vows. So then she got mad because she didn’t realize i knew she had been talking shit behind my back and then accused me of publicly shaming her. I said I did not and if you felt so humiliated why didn’t you private message me? So then she tells my husband she is done with me because she’s mad I called her out. And accused me of shaming her because she’s not married. I said I don’t care. She’s great at playing the victim. She’s just mad because at the same time I publicly praise my mom for everything she does for my kids. His mom can’t even be bothered to call my son on his bday. She waited til he was in bed then claimed I didn’t know when I could call. I’m like bs. Since he was born his bedtime has always been 7pm. Always. I’ve told her that. My husband had told her that. And if she forgot she can msg or call and ask what a great time to talk would be. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t go out of her way to have a relationship with The kids unless my husband needs he for something and video calls her and the kids happen to be in the background. She would message me because he daughter is also pregnant and we are due at the same time. I would try to be civil towards her but then all she would talk about was her daughter and I already talk to her daughter. I was trying to work on our relationship and I can’t do that if she’s just talking about her daughter. Then I got super depressed hormones and all and I stopped talking to people and took a break from fb. She knew something was up and didn’t bother asking if everything was ok. I responded with short 1 worded replies because I wasn’t feeling good. I was super hurt and depressed and I didn’t want to talk to her. But I at least replied. I knew that if I sat there and tried to have a conversation with her it would only end up with her saying something to set me off and being pregnant I knew I could overreact. So I stopped talking so I could calm down. The only reason she had been messaging me was because she wanted to know the gender of the baby. Then she wouldn’t have spoken to me for another couple weeks. Well we got into a huge fight after I found out she told my husband to leave me and she blamed me for everything saying it was my fault. That she tried having a relationship but I wouldn’t try. And saying how I was a coward for blaming my husband for quitting his job without a backup job and I should get a job and make my mom babysit even though my mom had a full time job and lives 45 mins away. She told me she didn’t want a relationship with me because she was disrespected by me for shaming her for not being married. And all I could do was reply that she’s delusional and that I’ve tried to make things work but everything is on her terms. If you don’t agree with her then she treats you like crap. I set her straight on some stuff and then I said that’s all I’m saying. So all I can think now is Bye bitch. Saves me from having to deal with that bs.