Potty chart. Lol

Krisilynn • 23 years young. Happily in love. Currently pregnant with our rainbow baby🌈🚼! Due to meet baby on March 28th!

So I just got off the phone with my maternity mother/nurse. Which in tn with my insurance plan a nurse calls you every 3 weeks to see how your pregnancy is going. Its pretty cool, actually. Well she said "you're 7w6d today. That's great! How's having to get up and Pee feeling?"

And I flat out told her "I stay hydrated during the day...but I don't pee as much as I feel I should. I might go pee like..4-5 times a day? When I was 5 weeks I was peeing like a Russian race horse and I poop like..once a day, even though I eat all the time.". she told me every pregnancy is different but I should keep a "potty chart". Basically for the week I tally out how many times a day I go potty. At first I thought it was weird. I still kinda do...but hey...I now see that today since 8am when I got up, and its how 12pm I've gone to pee 3 times. Seeing this, I'm going to start up with the gallon water jug thing to see if it helps any. It may be my idea of staying hydrated is indeed not what it should be.

I thought I'd share the idea for any woman who is in early pregnancy and Is having a hard time urinating or pooping