Venting!!! 20 week doctor appointment


Okay so I just need to vent. Monday I went and had my anatomy ultrasound but it wasn’t with my doctor. The lady was amazing but told me she was sending all the footage to my doctor to go over with me. SO TODAY I went to my doctor and he didn’t say anything other than “looks like you had your ultrasound” so I asked him if he was going to go over it with me and he said no. THEN he tells me “looks like you’re gaining too much weight” after looking at my weight. GUYS I HAVE GAINED 9 LBS. that’s it! I workout everyday and you can only tell I’m pregnant from the front and because of my belly and boobs... I was feeling amazing about myself and my body last night and today now I feel like crap. Ugh!!! BTW I was 129 pre pregnancy and 138 now. Do you all think 9 lbs is too much already??