For all of you postpartum mammas...

Lili • Twin mama ~22~ Married 💍

First of all, let me start off by saying that you're all amazing. Just simply amazing. And you're doing better than you think. Hang in there.

Second of all, I was hoping to get some advice/recommendations from all of you that have already given birth. I am currently 31 weeks with twins and I am just now packing my hospital bag. We are expecting our twins around 36 weeks (what the doctor has said) and I think I should really get everything ready. Not sure if it will be vaginal or C-section, so either scenario works here! is what I need help with:

-Pads VS adult diapers for bleeding afterbirth (and which brand/size is best)

-breast pads (how many and what brand)

-Nipple cream for breast feeding

-Any other recommendations that you feel would be helpful/things that have helped you through recovery.

Thank you all so much in advance!