I went to be induced on August 13, 2015 they started with a foley bulb and a pill that site in the v...

I went to be induced on August 13, 2015 they started with a foley bulb and a pill that site in the vagina to soften the cervix. I dilated to 4 cm rather quickly and then they started me on pitocin and I moved to 5 cm. I stayed stuck at 5 cm for a while and they kept increasing my pitocin and also broke my water. I couldn't take the pain any longer so i asked for the epidural after I got the epidural I could not feel my legs at all. Anytime I wanted to switch positions Daryn had too help (do most of the work). I finally moved up to 7 cm, but then I just got stuck there. After a very long time I didn't moved any longer. I was just stuck at 7 cm and baby Abel's heart rate was jumping around and my contractions were not as strong as the doctors wanted so they spoke to me about having a cesarean section. Daryn and I talked and decided that is what we both felt comfortable with. So we opted for the C section and a little while later my baby boy Abel Walter Batterson joined us into the world on August 15, 2015 at 0300. Abel was 22 inches long and 9 pounds 8.6 ounces and perfect in every way!!!