This is awful

Jennifer • Hopelessly in love with my soulmate, mother of four beautiful kiddos: 💕03/03/08, 💙05/06/10, 👼💙09/28/18 - 06/02/2020, 💙03/27/2022 and current expecting #5 in July

7 weeks old and has been fussing at the breast for about a week. On, off, cry.... rinse and repeat 😖 Right now is round number 7 on the breast since he last slept and when he does sleep he has to be pretty much right on top of me. I don't remember this part at all with my other two but that was 8 & 10 years ago so I doubt I would even if it did happen 🤷 It's taking everything I have not to run to the kitchen and mix up a giant bottle of formula so we can both get some sleep. I read this is probably a growth spurt but it breaks my heart that I can't fix it for him 💔