Scared my boss will get mad. Might be a trigger


Sorry. Wasnt sure where to post this 😟😞

So we have this guy that works witb us. We will call him R. Well R has a history of drug use, and i swear comes to work high and uses while at work. Even my boss thought so. Well he left his box and clear as day you can see a needle a straw and some tiny baggys.

He had a rope and more baggys in a glasses holder. I sent her a message she didn't answer. So I called the police station asking what i needed to do if in this situation. And the cops showed up to my work place.

The cop said without a doubt that was meth residue in the baggys. Even found something we didnt see at first. He took the box and got a statment from me and my workers (i am assistant manager) I'm kinda freaking out because i think my boss is going to be mad at me because i think she has a crush on R. Idk I'm freaking out!


Boss messaged back