C section recovery


I am so mad... I was talking to my dad about my recovery from my c section, and he decides to say it’s worse to have a natural birth. He said that you tear and that it’s hard to go to the bathroom. I am not saying that natural birth isn’t hard, i can only imagine just how hard it is, but my c section recovery was the hardest thing I ever had to do. its not easy to use the bathroom after c section either.. shoot it’s not easy to do anything. The fact that my intestines were outside of my body.. that it took weeks to be able to get up on my own without severe pain.. the coughing or laughing and feeling like my insides would fall out.. riding in the car and cringing at every tiny bump. I don’t know why his comment made me so angry and i think I was in shock he said this because I didn’t have much to say after that. I don’t understand how people don’t realize that it is a major surgery that women go through. You can’t go through recovery like any other surgery either, where you can take it easy to heal, because you have to take care of a newborn and get little sleep.. it’s hard to be a new mom no matter how delivery went.

sorry just my little rant about my feelings.