Monitor puts my mind at ease


So my daughter will be 3 months old on Monday and up until now we never bothered buying a monitor. When I was pregnant, I figured that because we will be sleeping in the same room just a few feet apart that I wouldn't really need one. From day 1 I have been a helicopter parent (at least that's what my husband says lol). I'm constantly up every few minutes to check on her. Make sure she hasn't covered her nose. Make sure she didn't roll in her sleep and not turn her head. The list goes on. The urge in my head to check on her is so overwhelming that I even do that when she is sitting right next to me. I barely get any sleep. My husband finally broke down and spent $70 on a Vtech monitor. BEST THING HE COULD HAVE EVER DONE. I get more sleep at night now. Anytime I'm anxious I can just look over at the screen and see her snoring away. It makes me feel so much more at ease. It's really a big help during the daytime when I'm trying to get things done or have a little time for myself while she's asleep. Anyone who is considering getting one but is leaning towards going without, I highly recommend splurging and getting one. I'm a first time mom so I guess that's why I'm so concerned all the time lol. I really just think they're great.