My symptoms 7 days b4 AF


This time feels so different.

I know

I know.. I've said it b4..

But really... What gets me is every month my husband has this whatever happens attitude. But this time. He is convinced I am pregnant more then me!

We went at it during my fertile window. 1-3 times a day.. and now I am 8dpo.

I am so tired! No energy! We both have noticed my boobs feel more firm. My nipples are almost always hard. And they are darker. My boobs get sore just b4 AF. But this time they have been sore all week. Nipples tingly.. off and on headaches. And I never get heartburn but I did once the other day. My stomach is all kinds of weird feeling inside. From small pains to a hugging sensation. I feel bloated. And it hurt my tummy to squat. Also. Bread had been a turn off for me. I keep trying to eat it. And instinctively spit it out...

And I'm peeing more! I usually only pee a couple, maybe 3 or 4 times a day.. but now. It's up to 6 and more..

Could this be it??? Finally!???

Oh please oh please!!!! I pray it's so!!