Porn as habbit and just to pass the time


I have a boyfriend for 5years now. Ive been asking him to watch porn together. And he usually says no as in never. Only to find out that he do it secretly when I was sleeping beside him. Or when Iam out to play sports. He told me he didnt have an erection, he watches skipping most of the time and just to pass the time. I feel betrayed, I was asking him and would want to enjoy porn right beside him but him doing that without me knowing, i felt being betrayed. I have a petite body, he usually searches opposite body type than mine. Makes me more insecure with myself, feeling that I wasn’t enough for him. Just to share, he was secretly stalking girls on facebook. May insecurities started when we were on our first year of our relationship. We are still together, i forgive him but surely cant forget. I would like to give my all in this one, until I cant stand it anymore. Please advise on what to do.