May have accidentally started an argument with some crazies....

Soooooo, I've had a crappy week, I have nothing to do and because of my mental health I can't leave the house / do much because fatigue, and I saw a post on here that really pissed me off:

"science only goes so far, then comes God 😇"

(it was a reply to a post about twins being conceived in a woman who was told she couldn't get pregnant)

Being a biochemistry student that's pretty triggering. I posted a reply highlighting that this is more like an incredible example of when the human body surpasses the expectations of medicine, and got the reply:

"Who will you be praying to then when things get tough? 🤷"

Then things got pretty heated in my head, I was like "Mate, you have no idea" and described the hell that has been the last few years of my life: psychosis, suicide attempts, suicide bereavement, house fire, family deaths, homelessness etc and told her that God has had no place in my life but science is my constant, I have yet to receive a response but I added on the end of my message that this wasn't the place for this argument. I realise that I shouldn't have responded like that but I'm literally living on a couch with my crazy religious mum in the next room waiting for a bed at a rehab program because fuck hospital...

Does anyone have any experience with these kind of arguments? If this woman keeps digging at me how should I respond so that the argument just stops? Should I just ignore the whole thing now?

Also FYI as soon as I realised what was going on I messeged my best friend:

"I may have just started an argument with random religious fanatics on the Internet, I need an intervention ASAP"