Boyfriend got smash drunk


So we were all drinking and my boyfriend went way past his limit and got smash drunk and passed out in a friends room, I came in looking for him and found him passed tf out in our friends bed. I came in to wake him up and started grabbing him to wake him up and he swatted my hands away going “get off of me I have a girlfriend!” And I just kinda laughed and said whatever baby, and he swats me more and goes “seriously get off my girlfriend would fuck you up” and I go “I AM your girlfriend!” And he looks at me stunned and goes “damn I did good” I feel so incredibly lucky 🍀💕

This is me and him


Like I got this fucking hunk of a man who I love so much idk how I did it but god damn am I glad I did and I’m never letting him go 💕😍💕 we’ve been together about 1 year and a half and living together for a year and everyday gets a little bit better ❤️

Edit: I’m well aware that this was not a unique experience and that other women have experienced this but that was a first for me so really no need for y’all to comment “seen this before” just let people be happy

2nd edit: I found the picture from that night of him all passed out and adorable!

Edit again: resurrecting this post to inform you all that the impossible has happened and my man got EVEN more handsome

He was so proud to show me him in his chef coat at work 😍❤️