He's Here


Well 12 30am Saturday the 15th I woke up so some pretty intense contractions. Timed them for an hour at 7 minutes apart until they came to 5 minutes and quick 3-4 minutes while on the way go the hospital.

I've been almost 3cm for two weeks, got to the hospital at about 330 and was 5 cm. At about 5 we were put into a room and I was given the epidural and already 6cm. I have to say, it was a life saver, but it ended up stalling my labor. Though I continued to have 3-4 minute contractions I wouldn't dilate more.

After a couple hours of no change they gave me the stuff that you get to be induced to try and push it forward. Fast forward to 3pm, got checked and was finally at 10cm and they had me start pushing not long after. At exactly 4pm, 8/15/15 little Brandon was born, he's 8 pounds 5 oz, and 21.5 inches long. I did end up getting a 2nd degree natural rip.

Long labor, I'm super tired yet can't sleep longer than catnaps lol.

We were due on the 16th, was going to be induced Monday the 17th. So He had other ideas.