So frustrated 😞


My baby girl was born on Wednesday and I've managed to breast feed her until Friday evening because my nipples are so sore and they are bleeding. I have fed her formula for the past 2 days.. How can I make my milk come in to make breastfeeding a bit easier? It's not her latch, it's my skin condition that's making it so sore but at least I can express my milk. Please help, it's really upsetting me 
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Posted at
Use your own breast milk to help heal them. Cover the whole area with breast milk and let it air dry. Meanwhile pump to keep up your supply - if you stop pumping or breastfeeding entirely you may not be able to start again. Good luck!


Posted at
Use coconut oil on your nipples to help soothe them. Also you can use nipple guards to feed. Sorry that's all the help I can offer. 


Posted at
Try nipple shields?! 


Posted at
Look up natural breastfeeding--sometimes changing the angle of how you feed (with her resting on your body instead of like under) helps with pain. There are videos on YouTube.