Help please!


My husband and I got legally married in January to get custody of his two daughters. After his daughters moved in, a few months later, I find out I’m pregnant. Our relationship took a turn for the worst and it’s like he pushed me away. He wouldn’t talk to me much anymore, he stayed gone roping or working. I felt so distant from him and I tried and tried to talk to him and he wouldn’t have it. So I didn’t know what else to do so I left and filed for divorce. Now I’m almost 37 weeks pregnant and we’ve been talking and I can tell he’s matured a little more. But he wants to fix things between us and work on our marriage and try to fix it. My parents would not be happy if I did that. But I’m so torn.....he’s the father of our little boy and we have a family, but I’m scared history will repeat itself. I need some advice and help from anyone! I do still love him and would love for us to work out, just don’t want things to end up the same way with my little boy involved now.