Hey guys..I'm back!!


How are you guys?? Long time I don't hear from you... how are things coming along... I know we got many new babies and things have been really smooth..Kayla your baby is gorgeous!!! Congrats he is huge!! It is awesome to know that some members still keep in touch..Trace how are you? How is the baby making coming along? How are the kids?..my two crazy ones are huge and my baby #2 already turned 26 months.. so we have decided its time for baby number 3!!!

We stopped contraception since April 2018 and started prenatal vitamins...we started tracking and actively trying since Jun 2018 so far my cycle have been weird sometimes lasting 26 days and other times lasting 35 days.. I'm using OPKs, BBT, CM and CP...but it's been hard to track with my cycle been all over the place. I'm currently on CD 9 and crossing fingers that we can make it happen given that each time we are way older!! but we will see!!!

Fingers cross!!! Baby dust to all of you on the way oh the wait!!

Here are my two crazy ones!!

Ohh by the way.. we relicated once again from Arizona to North Carolina!! The girls are loving the change and so are we!!!

Babyyy dust to you all!!!