Help! Nervous About Announcing to Religious Fam!

Tica • No

My grandmother is a strict southern baptist. Over the summer she made a snarky comment at dinner that “no one in this family will have a baby out of wed lock.”

I just brushed it off with an eye roll and a look at my guy and my brother like yeah whatever. David and I were about to start trying at that time. Myself, my man, and my brother are not religious.

My man and I have been together for 3 years and are 11 weeks pregnant now after trying for 2 months! I’m 33 and he’s 34. We are not married nor do we plan or want to get married anytime in the near future. We don’t care for the government to know our relationship status, and we have many other things we want to spend money on than a wedding. We’ve both been married and divorced. It means more to us that we WANT to be together. Side note: Grammy has been married 4x! Like she should judge... but she does.

Grandmother will flip out when we tell her we are pregnant and no getting married. How should we handle this? 1:1 convo, which will turn into a huge argument? Family announcement over Christmas? Or I was thinking of telling my aunt first and letting her tell my gma so she can calm her down 😂 idk?! I’d prefer to announce at Xmas but I don’t want her ruining the holiday and us having a blow out fight then and there. High probability that would happen.