Gods' reassurance..


I just love it when He speaks to us. Big ways,small ways,any kind of way just puts a peace in my spirit. I've been a little down lately wondering if God was actually going to come through with the promise he gave us several months ago of us having a baby. I have trust issues from growing up with my father,and I've been really trying hard to trust my Heavenly Father,but this was one of those weeks when I was just in a funk. My DH seen that and prayed a couple nights ago for God to send us some reassurance about it. So the next day due to some interesting events,I end up getting to go see my best friends twin sister's new house. Long story short she told me that I had been on her heart and God had told her that when and how I least expected it,I would have a baby and that I will be a mother. It was the reassurance and hope I needed to just sit back and keep praying for my child and wait for when God decides the perfect timing will be.