First period after D&C TMI

Michelle • I`m 24 baby Declan arrived 08/07/2017! I have 3 angel babies.06/18/15 and mono-mono twins on 06/27/16.
So I got my first period Friday 6 weeks 3 days after my D&C. It started around 5:30pm It was a very rusty looking red then Saturday it was still rusty red and brown no clots. I had some cramps the first day. Then today I had some brown blood early in the day and now nothing. Did anyone else have a period like this after there D&C? Before I got pregnant I had 7 day heavy periods before birth control ( I got pregnant on the pill) on the pill it was light for 3 days.
Is this normal? I just don't know what to think I thought I was going to get a long heavy period.