Birth Story


So I think I’ve at least mostly processed babys birth and I can say I’m so happy with how it went.

Contractions started at 1130, 7-10 minutes apart. By 130 they were about 5 minutes apart and starting to get stronger. Since Cal’s labor went fast I figured this was a good time to start getting ready and head out. We got to the hospital at 245. I was 5cm and ready to go to the l&d room. By the time we walked down there it was 320ish. Baby Belle was born at 326. No time for an IV or anything! 2 1/2 pushes and this 8lb 12oz beautiful baby girl was in my arms 😍

Thank god for having such a strong and calming husband because I was having a bit (😂) of a panic attack and looking up at him was the ONLY thing that somewhat calmed me down.