Finally she is here !!!!! 11/20/2018


Woke up to pass a bowel movement and for some ODD reason I got back into bed having contractions 11 min apart. MIND YOU my induction was set for The NEXT DAY!!! So at exactly 39 weeks I trucked my ass to my midwife to get checked .... and sure enough I was 4 cm !!! Only thing is, I was still pretty thick and posterior !! She told me to go walk and come back in when the contractions were 7 min apart ... so I went to a little strip mall and walked back and forth, all the while my contractions were getting much stronger. Went to hospital and they admitted me !! From there on out it was so fast my water broke and I was in full fledge labor ... it was so terrible 😞😞😞 I got an epidural at 8 cm and it only numbed my left side I was soooooooo pissed... they told me we were going to do “practice” contractions and two pushes later I was holding Miss Aria Heather-Rose Miles 🙏🏼🙏🏼 7 lbs 12 oz 19 1/2 inches of PERFECTION.