Still confused?🥺

Abigail • First time mommy to a beautiful healthy baby boy, Kyelin Elijah. 💙

I found out last Monday I was pregnant with my first. Saturday night I started bleeding some and went to the hospital. I found out then I was actually only 6 weeks. They did a vaginal ultrasound Saturday night around 9 and said everything that was there is supposed to be there. My cervix looked normal. And my HCG was at 2600. They couldn’t hear a heartbeat but they explained I’m still so early and that’s why. I have my first appointment tomorrow morning but the wait is killing me. I’m still bleeding and passed a blood clot yesterday morning at 1030. They said it’s so hard to tell because I’m early. Some women bleed like that during pregnancies some don’t. I have diagnosed depression and anxiety and I can’t help but only think the worst. Me and my boyfriend of almost 7 years were so excited but I’ve almost convinced myself I did miscarry because I don’t wanna get my hopes up and tomorrow be let down again.. maybe I’m getting ahead of myself but has any else experienced a miscarriage and know how long it can take to get pregnant again? All I can think about now is if I’ll be able to get pregnant again anytime soon or how the body works in that matter or a miscarriage? If anyone can give me some insite that would be awesome.. I’m just freaking out and really upset. 😪