Legal states as so Lucky 🙄🙌

All you stoners who live where it’s legal are so fucking lucky 👌 my fiancé just got 6 months probation, substance abuse classes , 32 hrs community service and $645 dollars in court fees and fines all for 0.58 grams of weed not even enough for a bowl 🙄

They need to legalize marijuana across the USA already or atleast only issue a ticket depending on the amount👌

Update: My fiancé was on his way to work and has to drive through a school zone the school zone time starts at 7am and he is normally already at work at that time but he had a late start that morning so he drove the regular speed 35mph because he didn’t realize it was 7:05 already so the speed limit changed to 20mph which gave the police officer probable cause . The officer apparently “smelled” the weed that was in a air tight container in the middle console , it had been there for weeks forgotten about , but he told the officer that could possibly be a little bit of weed in the car cause we have been searched before years ago and told them no and they found a roach and they wrote a ticket for possession of paraphernalia he didn’t get probation but a shit ton of fines 🙄

Sorry I had to use screen shots stupid glow cropped my normal photos 😡