A first time moms worst nightmare

Amanda • Wife, Mother To An Angel Baby & Rainbow Baby Girls.

On Wednesday November 21 is when I last felt her move. I was 37 weeks exact on that day. On Thanksgiving day I barely felt you move, I thought you were sound asleep. Friday November 23, I grew concerned because I didn’t feel you move at all. I went to the hospital the next day just to see if you were ok babygirl. No mother wants to hear that they are sorry but they don’t see no fetal movement, and they don’t hear no heartbeat. I was given medicine to soften up my cervix that night, and once I was 3cm I was given potassium. At 5:53pm on November 25th I gave birth to my angel baby. 3lbs 9oz 17inches. My daughter was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice. I was told my high blood pressure is what caused her to stop growing and pass away. But in every prenatal appointment my blood pressure was always normal. My entire pregnancy was picture perfect. I’m so heartbroken that I lost my first child at 37 weeks. I feel like it’s all my fault, like my body failed her. RIP Amelia Marie, mommy loves you so much.