Can’t emotionally handle this 💔

We had been ttc for 3 years and no luck, yet without trying or track I was pregnant! But I had bleeding and test done with hcg going up to 31000 and went to 10 weeks before emergency surgery... key hole and d&c. Things didn’t look right with surgery so more test are Being done. The pain and sickness is horrible but now with everything being rushed and not having time to understand everything 4 days post op it’s kicked in I’m no longer pregnant anymore!!! I’m broken my world is gone and I’m not sure how I’m going to stay strong!!

This baby meant so much to us and I’ve been worried about my husband and everything I didn’t help myself and now I’m lost!! I just want my baby back. I want to say goodbye again and just have another minute to feel whole again!! 💔💔💔💔💔