Similar situation?

My situation: I got off the birth control pill Lutera a couple months ago. I was always regular before I got on it and have ovulated and menstruated right on time since being off of it. (I've read it could take up to 3 months to regulate again, but it's been right on schedule since I got off). We had sex during my entire fertile week. I'm currently on day 36 of my cycle and no period. My period is always a very heavy flow, even when I was on the pill. So far I have only experienced some spotting. It began 12 days post ovulation and lasted about 2.5 days. It was mostly brown light discharge, no clots, and I only had a very small amount of blood one wipe a day. I tested the last week or so and have been getting BFN. Im currently 17 dpo, and am wondering what anyone else thinks?
Any similar situations yourselves?