Evening Primrose Oil 🤞

Charity • Angel Baby 10/16/14 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl 2/25/16 👶🏻🎀 Angel Baby #2 8/2/17 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl #2 12/6/18 👶🏻🎀 Peanut growing due 11/2/2021 🥜

At 36 weeks I was 1 cm and not effaced. At 37 weeks I was 2/3 cm and still not effaced. This last appt for 38 weeks I was 4 cm but still thick! My Dr did a sweep but it didn't end up doing anything. So, I talked to my nurse friend about ways to help thin, specifically, and so she told me to try evening primrose oil. Started it last night, and hoping it works! I'll have to be induced at 40 weeks if not, due to gestational diabetes, and I was induced with my first for the same reason and I HATED it! I am trying to get things going naturally this time before then. 🙏