Miscarriage and this app.


I’ve had a miscarriage some time ago, it was this year. This app did nothing for me during that time and I just wanted to say that. There were no actual posts which were helpful nor anything as far as symptoms or what to look out for. I was pregnant after I ended up in the hospital with suspicious initial bleeding and kept being pregnant. Right away I told the doctor that I wanted to keep the baby. I thought that they would do what they can. All they told me is that I was pregnant and to come back for some tests. Later, I went to a gyro for a check up and even though I kept being concerned, he also told me that I was pregnant but nothing more. I kept growing more concerned and ended up seeing another gyno who was taking his place when he was off. She told me that I should’ve been stared on progesterone. I kind of was already feeling like it might be too late bc the blood was getting fresher. I still took it but it was too late by then. I don’t know if I could’ve avoided the miscarriage or not but what I found out after was not something I wanted to know or find out. No one really cared about this it seemed. It was as if explained away due to my age, 40, and that sometimes this just happens. I feel like no one paid attention to me and the warning signs or my trips to the ER or anything. They like blamed it on me as if. In the app there was nothing about the symptoms of the miscarriage and what they should be. I felt alone and just reading up online about anything and everything and kept on hoping since there were no real or solid answers there either. Later on, once it was confirmed that the hormone was no longer going up, as in confirmed miscarriage, even though the pregnancy hormone still stays in your body like forever, I tried to get some answers but got nowhere with that either. I found a gyno that I went to regarding some info but I was so discouraged since I was pretty much told that this is a great risk for me to think about pregnancy now and that I’m pretty much gambling with the health of the baby by even thinking about pregnancy. I always thought that I had time. You see and read about so many women having babies later in life, especially since I’m pretty much healthy otherwise and you don’t think twice about it. I guess it’s through many other fertility methods and the more money you have then maybe you can afford it. Maybe it is better still since the relationship wasn’t good from the start anyway and I was in a lot of stress when I was pregnant during that first trimester. Still, this left a very lasting memory on me. It made me look different at the whole pregnancy thing and it made me feel bad about the whole experience , like no one really cared about what would happen and it was all left up to God. I would’ve thought that this could’ve been prevented somehow. This affected the relationship too, sexually, because if I wasn’t getting the full go about having a baby then what was the point of having sex anymore. If he was to avoid it and try to not have a baby and especially when I was fertile and horny, then screw the whole thing! I questioned even trying or having a baby anymore and if it’s even worth it when you have a relationship that you are never really sure about. When this was all happening we were fighting as usual and so he wasn’t event there for me. Maybe the stress caused it but who knows. I wanted to do this right and find the right person so that the baby would have both mom and dead happily there and I feel like it’s my fault that it took me so long to find that person because otherwise I’ve been so unlucky in love and looking for so long. I guess now it might be too late bc it didn’t happen for me earlier and I just kept getting hurt or disappointed. I never gave up though. I kept on looking and trying. All of this for a relationship which now is also somewhere else and it doesn’t look like it was meant to be, and I was willing to have a baby with this person. All they can think about their needs though and how the relationship is serving them. I might no longer want to even have a baby and maybe it’s not even a choice. I feel completely unsupported and like everything is a waste. Maybe it’s still better for everyone. I was ready thought to have a baby and I wanted to save it but apparently no one really seems to care to help you during that time unless you maybe pay a lot. You won’t know what truly happened and why.