
My husband and I lost our second baby at 10w4d. The amount of pain and loss we feel right now is beyond what we have ever imagined. We lost our first baby at 3w and that was hard enough. We went for our first ultrasound (supposed to be an exciting joyous time) and she couldn’t find out baby. I thought I was going to throw up. After days of appointments and some hope given we rushed to the hospital this weekend for a miscarriage. I can’t believe this happened. Doctors said nothing in my vitals pointed to any reason for this happening. It just “happened”.

We are believing and trusting that God has a plan and purpose for all of this, yet it’s hard. We have loved on each other so intensely the past several days and have grown closer than I ever imagined. I am so blessed with a husband who will cry with me and hug me when I can’t get the words out. I pray that every couple can have this bond and that you NEVER have to go through this painful experience.

God Bless you all!