And two week wait here I come...

Michelle • 6/30/17 👰🏻🤵🏼, Dog mom 🐶🐶, TTC#1 🐟

So happy we finally got a BFP here in the group! It’s been a while!! Maybe this means the rest of us are going to follow soon! Went in for my second <a href="">iui</a> today and we had numbers twice as good as last time and I finally produced follicles on the right side this time so I’m really hoping this will be my lucky cycle! So I’m trying something new and will be testing out my trigger so hopefully it won’t drive me crazy seeing a positive HPT and then seeing it disappear...I heard it sometimes makes you feel like it gives you more control so we will see.

Kimberly...I know you’re moving on to the birth boards but keep us updated! When will you be getting your betas?!?

Alyson...will you be trying the progesterone this cycle? You’re still doing every other day and using Preseed?

April! Where are you in your cycle??? How is everything going? Have you been trying anything new? We miss you!!