I feel like I’ve done everything I can...

I’m in my tww, and getting anxious and already dejected. We are trying for our first baby, and it’s been a long process. We tried actively a few years ago with no luck, so I went to a dr who advised my weight could be holding us back (I was 300lbs). So I decided to have gastric bypass, and am now down to 189lbs. We are trying again now, and this is our first serious cycle attempt trying to track ovulation using this app.

We used preseed since I heard that can help things, and my hubby was worried that his sperm may not be strong because he had reproductive issues as a premie baby. If we don’t successfully conceive in the next two months, he’s going to have his sperm tested.

We BD every day of my fertile window week, so I’m hoping. I stayed in bed afterward just in case, and I’ve been doing things like taking extra vitamin D (I already take daily bariatric vitamins since surgery), trying to keep myself warm, and relaxing as much as possible. I’ve been drinking tea, eating soup...everything I can think of to help improve my chances. I only do light exercise daily, mostly walking, stationary biking, and stretching.

I wouldn’t have even implanted yet likely but I’m praying that I do. I woke up yesterday with a bad cold - dry cough and lost voice - but I’m not really feeling any symptoms I don’t think. Fatigue I attribute to being sick.

Anyone else with me in the tww? I just needed to vent my story!