Thinking about leaving my marriage.

Thinking about leaving this marriage. Not

Going to go in full on detail everything this marriage has gone through but I will share what happened on thanksgiving, we live with my in laws and last week my husband left at 7 in the morning because his boss was frying turkeys for free and we had never tried fried turkey so we said why not. Anyways around 1 he comes home and is completely shit faced and being really rude to me. Like talking shit to me because we invited my dad and he decided not to come, and he’s blaming it on me. And I completely took every single insult because he was drunk he takes a nap wakes up around 6. And that’s because I woke up because we were waiting on him to eat dinner and he wakes up completely pissed again being rude to me and I didn’t say anything at all. Fast forward to around 9 I go in the room to change the baby and he follows me and ask me if I’m okay and I pour and start crying and telling him why I’m upset and being very dry with him. So y’all, he turned it around to me and starts pointing out every single one of my flaws. (I’m a stay at home mom with a 5 month old) saying that I shouldn’t complain. That he doesn’t feel like he should help with the baby because he works and doesn’t think being a stay at home is a job. Y’all it is, some days are easier than others. Sometimes it’s hard to have all the laundry done and dinner ready. He said

That I don’t have the patience with our son. And then starts ranting about how I need to

Trust him. And saying that if he cheats on me it’s going to be with someone that’s looks 100x better than me.

The worst part is that I was the one that ended up apologizing and saying I was going to change. Like wtf. Until a couple of days ago I snapped into reality and realized he had manipulated the whole situation. I don’t know what to do anymore.